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Meet the Owners of the Real Caféière Beauséjour

Etienne & Didier : Une nouvelle vie entre nature, patrimoine et engagement écologique 🌿

Etienne, Didier and their little friends - a dog and two cats - are delighted to welcome you to the real Caféière Beauséjour, also known as Habitation Caféière Gros-Morne, the only caféière in Pointe-Noire.

After a hectic life as dynamic executives in Paris, we decided to change course and reconnect with the essentials. In April 2018, during a trip to Guadeloupe, we were seduced by the idea of investing in a second home.

Our search began and, in July 2018, we visited several properties, including one in Goyave. Unfortunately, our love affair with the photos was not confirmed on the spot. But fate had other plans for us.

During our week on the island, our estate agent organised a programme of visits, alternating mornings of discovery with afternoons at the beach. That's how we discovered Habitation Getz and then Caféière Beauséjour.


It was then that we fell head over heels in love with the property, discovering many links between ourselves and the estate. It was as if fate had brought us to this place, as if an invisible thread linked us to Caféière Beauséjour.


We discovered that our parents frequented this property between 1999 and 2010, and that the vendor had an artistic link with our Paris flat. In fact, the gallery owner of the painter whose studio we lived in in Paris was also the gallery owner of the seller of Caféière Beauséjour!

It seemed as if everything had been written in advance: Caféière Beauséjour had called us, guided us, bewitched us into taking care of her.

Today, we're sharing the story of this unique coffee-growing dwelling in Guadeloupe and welcoming you to our guest house, made up of ecolodges and charming top-of-the-range rooms.


Better than a hotel, experience a five-star holiday in Guadeloupe and enjoy the long Caribbean nights in an exceptional setting.

We are delighted to be able to offer you an authentic and luxurious experience in the heart of Guadeloupe.

Un engagement fort pour un tourisme plus responsable

💚 **Mais notre rêve ne se limitait pas à un simple changement de vie : nous voulions créer un lieu où l’hospitalité haut de gamme rime avec respect de l’environnement. C’est ainsi qu’est née l’Habitation Caféière Samana Beauséjour, aujourd’hui seule maison d’hôtes des Antilles françaises à être doublement labellisée 🌱 Clef Verte / Green Key International et Esprit Parc National.

Nous avons fait le choix d’un tourisme éthique et durable et, en séjournant chez nous, vous adhérez à ces engagements. Chacun de nos visiteurs joue un rôle clé dans cette démarche, en adoptant un comportement respectueux de la nature et du patrimoine qui nous entourent.

Bien plus qu’un séjour, une expérience écoresponsable 5 étoiles
Mieux qu’un hôtel, nous vous offrons une expérience authentique et raffinée, où l’histoire, la nature et le bien-être se conjuguent avec un engagement profond pour la préservation de notre planète 🌍.

🌿 Bienvenue dans un havre de paix où chaque instant a du sens. Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir et de partager cette aventure avec vous !

The only Ecological Guest House in Guadeloupe with Double Certification

We are proud to be the only guest house in Guadeloupe with dual ecological certification, awarded the prestigious Green Key International/Clef Verte and Esprit Parc National labels, issued by the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB).

Our commitment to the environment is genuine and rigorously maintained through regular audits. These labels guarantee that we meet high environmental standards and demonstrate our dedication to sustainability and the preservation of biodiversity.

By staying with us, you are contributing to an environmentally-friendly approach, while enjoying the luxurious, unusual and authentic setting of the former Caféière Beauséjour.

illustration cafeiere beausejour guest house
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